
    AI Homework is designed to help students complete their homework. It is an AI-based educational platform. This really eases the homework burden on students. It has a number of special features that personalize student experiences. It consists of a scanner for math problems, a library, etc. He can also do the duty.

    You can use this platform Homeworkify on any device. You need to have better network service. Sincere use of this application can be very beneficial for the student. This can become the best dashboard.

    Features of the AI Homework

    It has many advanced features that may surprise you as a student which are mentioned below:

    1. Scan:

    The scanner function of this software makes all math problems easier. It is based on AI, which is why it identifies mathematical problems and immediately presents its solution. It can also solve the most complex math problems. This clearly saves you time and energy.

    2. Practice set:

    If you want to succeed in a math subject, you really need to practice regularly.

    3. Question and answer session:

    This makes for a different Q&A session. You can familiarize yourself with new sets of questions. Users learn about other formulas and understand other ways to solve the math problem.

    4. Regular tests and exam preparation:

    This is the best feature of this app. Homeworkify App It is the most practical tool. This improves your ability to solve questions gracefully and also gives you an idea of how to manage time when taking an exam.